Monday, 11 March 2013

Artist Materials For Creative Expression

Materials artist are many and varied and can be used in a variety of ways to create different effects. An artist has free reign to their imagination and time thanks to the wide range of material available, you can create a wonderful palette of colors, textures and designs.

The hardest part will be choosing your materials. Would you like to work with chalk on paper, pastels, colored pencils, watercolors, acrylics or oil paints. Work on canvas is very different from the use of paint on the paper. There are a variety of brushes, made ​​of various types of bristles, which may vary in thickness only a few hairs of the brushes larger than the palm of a human hand.

The first pigments were used by our ancient people, when they would represent the history of hunting large or other important events in the history of painting symbols on the walls of their caves. Pigments are created from ground iron oxide, manganese chalk and iron ore. These early artists using interesting techniques, such as chewing coal into a fine powder and mixed with saliva before applying to continue his lips and literally spitting on his canvas the color natural.

To get more information about artist materials or simple visit our Place :- Po Box 18065, Glenrothes, Fife, KY7 4DB - Scotland

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